Compass ITS
Compass ITS has been designed following years of research driven by our customers’ needs to create an application which fits all.
Monitoring traffic and identifying offenders or wanted vehicles by using preset rules defined by the user. This application can be used to reduce congestion, identify offenders, speed enforcement, access control and many more.
Parking Lot
- Highly customizable
- Easily integrative with existing systems
Traffic Monitoring
- Follows and detects different groups of vehicles
- Customizable traffic areas, follows the current vehicles within the defined areas
- Congestion charging
Access Control
- Highly customizable rules for access based on groups, roles, time zones and access points
- Multiple images (vehicle, number plate, driver) from passing vehicles
- Weight and speed measurement
- Red Light Violation
- Bus lane enforcement
- Toll enforcement
Generic Features
- Number plate detection
- RFID tag support
- APIs available for integration
- Scalable architecture from single application to clustered, load balanced enterprise environment
- High availability
- Open platform integrated with PSIM, CCTV, UVSS and Access Control System
- Secondary alarm support, notify on SMS/text or email
- Support SNMP
- Use standard maps to show detection locations
- Attachable fixed or mobile detection clients
- Bilingual interface
- Comprehensive audit log
- Send notification component failures to the responsible staff members
- Vehicle color recognition
- Vehicle brand and manufacturer detection
- Vehicle categorization (sedan, truck, bus, etc.)
- Vehicle identification based on number plate data